Thursday, January 8

Normal Again

The holiday season is over. Our Christmas tree is boxed up (it was fake), the Christmas cookies are all eaten (they were yummy), "Christmas-Father" has left the mall (Lydia's name for Santa), and 104.7 The Fish is back to simply being safe for the whole family, rather than putting Christ back in Christmas (which they actually didn't say so much this year. Maybe they finally realized that Winter Wonderland and Santa Clause is Coming to Town, while being sung by Christians, still has nothing to do with Christ). Most importantly, I do not have to worry about hearing Christmas Shoes again for another 11 months. Seriously that song makes me want to carve out my ears. My sadistic sister enjoyed my pain and would purposely call me up if it played on her radio so that I would get it in my head. I desperately took to singing Its a Small World After All defensively when in danger of hearing Christmas Shoes. Revolting but effective.

Anyway everything is back to normal here, with the addition of new toys for all. I'm loving my Rock Band World Tour. Jamie loves his wireless internet. Lydia loves her princess castle and Big Wheel. Juliet...well she's got a lot of new things to suck on. Surely those other toys were losing some of their flavor. Of course her favorite things to chew on are the things she's not supposed to...plastic bags, Lydia's princess castle, other babies, etc...

All in all, good holiday, but also good to be back to our normal routine of playgroups, YMCA, library, and saving the world from nerds.


Jenny said...

Sir I wanna buy these shoes for my momma please, It's Christmas Eve and these shoes are just her size.....

Melanie said...

You are not my sister.

Emily said...

Mel, I too HATE that song. I always change the channel when it comes on. Please, put away the Christmas shoes!

Anonymous said...

Maybe I'll write you a song about Christmas Ugg boots for next year. That's improvement, right?


Jessica Jackson said...

Mel! Thanks for commenting on my blog- I plan on following your blog now that I know you have one.

Your girls are adorable and look a lot like you, in my opinion.

Take care!