Today I am soaring. Because we the American people just inaugurated the first black president of the United States. And because now Barack Hussein Obama is my president.
It is only in the past year or two that I have begun to be interested in politics. It started with the West Wing. After seven seasons of caring deeply what happened to the fate of the country and politicians in a TV show, it occurred to me that these same topics are being debated and decided in my real, true life. Um, why would I care so much about Leo McGarry and C.J. Cregg and not even know the name of the real Chief of Staff and Press Secretary? Why was I so mad if a law didn't pass the Senate in the show, when I barely know what legislation is ever introduced in the real Senate? Well, thats changed. And I managed to discover this just in time for the most monumentous election in my lifetime. It has been so exciting, so inspiring. During the campaign I would engage in heated political debates with my fellow cloth-diapering mamas (you have no idea how opinionated we can be!). I sought to learn as much about the candidates and issues as I could. I proudly donned my "Obama Mama" shirt at every opportunity. I've written to congressmen about issues I care about. I've called people to get out the vote. And I VOTED. For the first time. And I am honored that the first vote I ever cast was for this man. I do not think he is the Messiah, or Superman, but he gives me Hope. He inspires me. And I believe he is what we need.
So now, after watching Barack Obama become the 44th President of the United States, I am so grateful that I was "awake" to experience this. I will never, ever forget it. And I look forward to the coming years, because I do believe that things can change for the better.
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