Wednesday, February 25

I Was Made to Love You

I went to my yoga class today. I love yoga. I love twisting my body into poses that I never thought I could do. I love how I only think about what my body is doing for an hour and a half, and forget about kids, housework, lifetime drama, and all that. I love that delicious soreness I get later after I've excercised. And I think most of all I love that peaceful feeling I always get during and after I go, like my body and soul have been restored a little bit.

I'm all about restoration recently. Restoring my body (and specifically my health) with vitamins, medicine, rest, good food. Restoring my house to less of a disaster-area like state (little by very little). And definitely restoring my mind and soul. One imperfection about me is that I worry. A lot. When I am worrying, I feel like I have a lot to worry about. But sometimes, in moments of peace, I realize that I really don't need to worry about all that stuff after all. I spoke with a wise friend a little while ago who gave me two wonderful pieces of advice. The first was that in every situation, in everything that happens, I should just say "Wow, God. I can't wait to see how you use this to your glory!" I've been trying it out since then, and yep, it can pretty much work for anything. Its my mantra right now. Sometimes it comes out pretty sarcastically, and sometimes with a little more colorful language added, but after saying it, even if I'm saying as a joke, it has the effect of making me really think to myself that yes, some good could come out of this.

The other piece of advice was that in dealing with other people and their own life problems, drama, etc, that I should always think and act through love, not fear. This is such an amazing statement, and one that I would love to use in every relationship and situation I have. To remember that I am not in charge of other peoples' lives or happiness. What a burden lifted off! Can I really just love them, and not fear for whats gonna happen? What good does it do anyway to fear? Does it make us act any wiser? Does it help them? I doubt it. And I'm pretty sure that if you act purely out of love, you are unlikely to make a mess of things. God tells us above all to love. He made us to love Him and each other. On the other hand, I can't think of anywhere in the bible where it encourages us to fear and lose sleep over other people's problems.

I have a long way to go to make these things habits rather than goals, but so far even just having these things to strive for has made me feel more joy and peace in my life.

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