Saturday, December 13


I'm not really sure what to do with my blog. I keep waiting for inspiration to hit me with some very clever thing to write about, but as it does not seem to be hitting very often, I wonder if I should just give up on that notion and write about my day (or week or whatever). Would you be interested in that, even if it wasn't full of hilarious anecdotes or witty analyses?

Assuming you are, (and if you aren't then I welcome you to quit reading now) I shall now tell you about my past week. I think I'll go backwards, because its easier to remember the most recent things first. Today I baked two chicken-ham-&-leek pies and some almond-orange shortbread for a couple of moms from my church who just had babies. I got to meet Shepherd Avery Gordon, which I was very happy about. We got home and put the girls to bed, and now I'm in my pj's waiting for Jamie to get home with Prince Caspian and some soup for me. Tonight feels like it needs to be a cozy, soup-eating, wine-drinking, curl-up-on-the-couch-with-hubby-and-a-movie sort of night. Yesterday I went on a first date. Playdate, that is! We went over to my friend Kacie's house and the girls ran (and crawled) around with each other while we got to know each other better. I am so glad a did--Kacie, you are a girl worth knowing! I hope we keep playdating! Last night we went to a birthday party for a good friend of ours (skipping Friday Night Dinner--but we were with an Emily so does it still count?). The rest of the week was filled with other various playdates (sorry Kacie, I'm seeing other people too), some babysitting, and a doula interview for me, which I'm hoping leads to a new client.

Anyway, thats most of my week in a nutshell. Well the second half anyway. Who can remember what they did at the beginning of the week anyway? Psht. So let me know if this is the type of thing you want to hear from me on a regular basis.


Acacia Leigh said...

This is the kind of stuff your public wants to hear (read), so keep it coming! And I guess it's okay you're seeing others, we can always have an open relationship haha!

Emily said...

I just hope this Emily is nothing like the other one...
We are so glad you made it, and can't wait to see you later this week!